Electri-Flex Company Provides Community Meals for Thanksgiving

ELECTRI-FLEX COMPANY, Roselle, IL, is celebrating Thanksgiving this year with its 3rd consecutive annual food drive, teaming with community leaders to deliver 800 meals this Thanksgiving holiday.
Sheriff James Mendrick, one of the Company’s long-standing partners in helping with community efforts, discussed the impact this has had on the community. “What Electri-Flex started with the Sheriff’s office has blossomed over a 3-1/2-year period, from ‘come on down we have free food’, to great organization, reaching a huge amount of people in need while partnering with local food pantries and food banks. It has been a pleasure working with community members that care enough to put in their resources and time.”
Electri-Flex organized 800 meals complete with turkeys in their roasting pans, cans of corn and cranberries, boxes of stuffing and mashed potatoes, and much more. Electri-Flex employees and community leaders provided even more food, which was all boxed and distributed to the public in meal boxes right before the holiday weekend. Sponsors include Electri-Flex Company, the Roselle Police Association Foundation, the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office, Lisle Township, Fates, Bodily & Parker PLLC, Precision Stamping Products, Meals on Wheels of DuPage County and SCARCE.
Sheriff Mendrick ended by saying, “It’s a tribute to someone like Jason Kinander, who’s a business owner and citizen of DuPage County, and he’s helping all the people around him. There are people who talk about helping, and then there are people that directly help, and the Kinander family and the Electri-Flex employees directly help.”
Electri-Flex Company, a leader in electrical conduit design and manufacture for over 65 years, produces Liquatite®, the most diverse line of liquidtight flexible electrical conduit in the industry. The company offers custom design, engineering, quality assurance and testing capabilities. For more information on Electri-Flex Company, call (630) 529-2920 or (800) 323-6174; fax: (630) 529-0482; e-mail: [email protected]; visit: www.electriflex.com; or write: 222 West Central Avenue, Roselle, IL, 60172-1994.