Electri-Flex Organizes Community Food Drive

ELECTRI-FLEX COMPANY, Roselle, IL, partnered with the Northern Illinois Food Bank, Bloomingdale Township, and local Representative, Callas Kingsley Electrical Sales, to box up and distribute food for local area residents. The Electri-Flex and Callas Kingsley teams comprised over 25 volunteers, boxing food, directing traffic, and distributing over 250 food boxes. It was all hands on deck and a successful and heartwarming event for the entire team.
“The best part of hosting the pop-up food pantry at Electri-Flex, was being able to personally interact with our local community, and to see how meaningful the meals we boxed and handed out meant to each family,” stated Brock Klein, Director of Sales & Marketing. “This is the main reason we wanted to host this event. Our team looks forward to hosting more of these in the future.”
Electri-Flex Company, a leader in electrical conduit design and manufacture for over 65 years, produces Liquatite®, the most diverse line of liquidtight flexible electrical conduit in the industry. The company offers custom design, engineering, quality assurance, and testing capabilities. For more information on Electri-Flex Company, call (630) 529-2920 or (800) 323-6174; fax: (630) 529-0482; e-mail: [email protected]; visit: www.electriflex.com; or write: 222 West Central Avenue, Roselle, IL, 60172-1994.