Electri-Flex Teams with Community for Easter Meal Donations

ELECTRI-FLEX COMPANY, Roselle, IL, partnered with SCARCE and the Dupage County Sheriff’s Department to donate and distribute 600 meals to local community residents in need this Easter. The food drive is sponsored by Electri-Flex Company, the Roselle Police Association Foundation, the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office, Itasca Bank & Trust Co., Fates, Bodily & Parker PLLC, and SCARCE.
The quantity of food donated by local businesses, Electri-Flex employees, and community members has been outstanding. A refrigeration truck was required to house 600 hams. Other donations include cans of corn, boxes of pasta, green beans, baked beans, rice, 200 pounds of potatoes, macaroni, soup, and more. SCARCE and the DuPage County Sheriff’s SWAP teams sorted, boxed, and distributed these 600, ready-to-cook Easter meals to the community in the days leading up to the Holiday.
“Giving back to the community and helping those in need is a true honor and passion of our Electri-Flex Family,” stated Blue Kinander Kelly, VP and Owner. This Easter meal donation follows a very successful 1,000 turkey meal donation over the last Thanksgiving Holiday, and PPE donations to the community last year throughout the peak of COVID-19.
Electri-Flex Company, a leader in electrical conduit design and manufacture for over 65 years, produces Liquatite®, the most diverse line of liquidtight flexible electrical conduit in the industry. The company offers custom design, engineering, quality assurance and testing capabilities. For more information on Electri-Flex Company, call (630) 529-2920 or (800) 323-6174; fax: (630) 529-0482; e-mail: [email protected]; visit: www.electriflex.com; or write: 222 West Central Avenue, Roselle, IL, 60172-1994.